a gentleman of the university of oxfordの例文


  1. Finnerty was supported by Percy Bysshe Shelley in " A Poetical Essay on the Existing State of Things ", a recently-discovered 172-line poem, accompanied by an essay, written during Shelley's first year at Oxford in 1811, and published under the alias of " a gentleman of the University of Oxford ".
  2. The rediscovery in mid-2006 of Shelley's long-lost " Poetical Essay on the Existing State of Things "  a long, strident anti-monarchical and anti-war poem printed in 1811 in London by Crosby and Company as " by a gentleman of the University of Oxford " and dedicated to Harriet Westbrook gives a new dimension to the expulsion, reinforcing Hogg's implication of political motives ( " an affair of party " ).
  3. It's interesting to see how, after Crowley's first book " White Stains " was banned and pulped, his consequent works of 1898 were quite mellow, almost gothic and Christian, with the first two hiding behind the pseudonym " A Gentlemen of the University of Cambridge " ( no doubt after Percy Shelley's " A Gentlemen of the University of Oxford " for similar reasons ) . " Aceldama ", named after the place where Judas hanged himself ( " the field of blood " ) is a philosophical lament that sees sin as the only abyss of life . " The Tale of Archais " is a dramatic love poem telling the story of Charicles and Archais, a girl condemned to turn into a snake.


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  11. "a gentleman of the press"の例文
  12. "a gentleman of the road"の例文
  13. "a gentleman with a duster"の例文
  14. "a gentlewoman"の例文

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